LOOK The Vikings are trying to woo Aaron Rodgers ex-girlfriend Olivia Munn

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Joe Pavelski Jersey X-Men Apocalypse star Olivia Munn just broke up with , but luckily for her she's got suitors! Bona fide. Munn is now a free agent, and the have a strong pitch: Why not come to the division Justin Braun Kids Jersey rival of your ex? It's the perfect kind of pettine s. They have a team on the rise, a shiny new stadium, and not Aaron Rodgers.Comedian and Vikings fan Nick Swardson saw the writing on the wall, and decided to get ahead of the curve. Football is right around the corner. I drafted Olivia. Nick Swardson (@NickSwardson) The Vikings saw Swardson's efforts and said that they'd pick up Swardson and Munn in a Eric Fehr Kids Jersey package deal, and then they made a really lame joke. There's Ryan Carpenter Men Jersey always a seat open for you at our stadium, and . Or should we say, Skolivia? Minnesota Vikings (@Vikings) Now, I don't see the SS Skolivia setting Timo Meier Women Jersey sail any time soon, but we live in strange times. Maybe Swardson is the ultimate matchmaker. Whatever the case, Twitter users don't think Rodgers is particularly thrilled with the new arrangement. They posted a live look-in of him reading the feed. Chief Moaning Wood (@SamuelBLaxxin) Peter Lewandowski (@p_lewandowski1) going for old Packer scraps again I see One Day. (@_Brooke22) Excellent choice. Jannik Hansen Kids Jersey AlligatorTres (@AlligatorTres) Ryan Siverson (@rysiphoto)
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